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What does Grace believe about... the Bible?  Jesus? Heaven and Hell? Creation? The end of the world? 


You can read THIS WE BELIEVE for more details about what is taught at Grace and all WELS congregations.


Our synod also has a brief answer to the most common questions HERE. 


If you have additional questions, give our pastor a call. He would love to answer them for you.





What does this mean?


A "confessional" Lutheran church is one that accepts the teachings of the Book of Concord of 1580 (the Lutheran confessional documents) in their entirety because they are completely faithful to the teachings of the Bible. The Bible is the ultimate authority. While most Lutheran denominations find the basis of their faith in the Book of Concord, Confessional Lutherans maintain that faithfulness to it requires attention to how that faith is actually being preached, taught, and put into practice. It is a vital part of our identity as “Lutheran”. So what’s in it? Find the Lutheran Confessions HERE.


Not all churches with the name “Lutheran” are the same. An unfortunate moral and doctrinal spectrum exists within Lutheranism due to different approaches to Scriptural interpretation: historical-grammatical vs. historical-critical. Historical-grammatical interpretation means a person understands the Scriptures as the author intended for the audience he is addressing and its meaning is not subject to change due to higher criticism. Historical-critical interpretation allows for the meaning of Scripture to change according to its application, even if it is not what the author intended. Grace subscribes to historical-grammatical interpretation. We believe the Bible doesn't just contain God's Word - it IS God's Word!


All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking,

correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God 

may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.


2 Timothy 3:16-17

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Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum
"The Word of the Lord Endures Forever"


This was the motto of the Lutheran Reformation.
It is a confident expression of the enduring
power and authority of God’s Word.
It is based on 1 Peter 1:24-25.

What Makes Us Different?


One of Charlotte’s many nicknames is “The City of Churches”, with more than 1,500 places of worship in the metro area. What makes Grace different from the rest of them?


Grace is a member of a family of more than 1,700 churches called the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). All our pastors are extensively trained at one Seminary and are well-versed in the original Greek and Hebrew of the Scriptures as well as the historical Latin. Their sermons are messages of sin and grace that provide context and understanding of God’s Word.


Grace is a church where you have a personal relationship with your pastor. You have his cell phone number and email address. You can easily schedule a personal meeting with the man who preaches to you on Sunday morning.


Grace is small enough to provide a close-knit community, but as a WELS congregation, it also offers all the ministries at big churches - mission work in faraway places, large camps, rallies, and retreats, humanitarian aid, Christian counseling, private schools – and so much more! Grace offers all the blessings of a small church and a large church. It's the best of both worlds!

7000 Providence Rd

Charlotte, NC 28226


(704) 365-6828​

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© Grace Lutheran Church 


A Member of the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod

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