Sundays | 9:15 AM
PK3-Grade 1 | Grades 2-5 | Grades 6-10 |Adults
Sunday classes are available for everyone in the family! The children in PK3-Grade 5 discover the story of salvation through interactive Old and New Testament lessons. Grades 6-10 explore what Scripture says about life issues they face every day and the adults examine what the Bible says about topics selected by the pastor. Join us this Sunday to grow in God's grace through the study of His Word!

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is
the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes." Romans 1:16
Wednesdays | 7:00 PM
The Whole Bible Project: Timeless Truth for Today's People
Our Grace Groups take an in-depth look at books of the Bible. Each Bible student receives a study guide that provides insight on the background for each book - its context, audience, and author. Participants are amazed at how God directed history to accomplish his divine plan in Jesus for them, and encouraged by experiencing the life-changing wisdom and guidance that God' Word provides for their life in today's world. Contact us today to join a Grace Group study! ​

"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through
the word of Christ." Romans 10:17
Growing in God's Word | Grades 6-7
This two-year 58-lesson course helps students build a foundational knowledge of Bible history while incorporating the most important elements of Christian teachings. Old Testament history is covered chronologically when the course begins in an even year, and New Testament history is taught when the course begins in an odd year.
Growing in Grace | Grade 8
This one-year 32-lesson course is designed to teach the six chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism to young people. Each lesson is based on a brief account from Bible history to underscore the connection between our Lutheran teachings and God’s plan of salvation. This course prepares young people for communicant membership and service in the church.
Introduction to the Lutheran Faith | Adults
This 10-session course covers the core teachings of the Christian faith in easy-to-understand terms. Adults who are new to the faith, as well as long-time Lutherans looking for a refresher, will appreciate this doctrinal overview. Adults completing the course and finding themselves in agreement are welcome to join the congregation as members.