Joining a church isn’t like joining Costco or a country club. Church membership does not provide you with exclusive benefits, special privileges or prestigious social status. Church membership is not about you — it’s not even about the church. Church membership is about your Savior.
Join a church as a public witness of your faith in Jesus Christ. Join a church to give back to your Savior with a grateful heart. Join a church to be part of a team working together to study His Word, share His love and serve His world. Join a church to live the purpose for which God put you on this earth.
Join Grace Lutheran Church. We would love to welcome you to our family!
Are you coming to Grace from another WELS church?
Simply let your current pastor and our pastor know that you wish to move your membership to Grace. We will happily welcome you by transfer.
Are you a Christian with a firm understanding of the Bible?
Schedule a meeting with Pastor to talk about your spiritual history and to ensure you are in agreement with Grace. If we are on the same page, we will cheerfully welcome you by profession of faith.
Are you new to the Christian faith or been away from it for some time and have little Bible knowledge?
We have the perfect membership class for you! It is a series of personal classes with the pastor, intended to fit your busy schedule. We will joyfully welcome you by confirmation of faith when the course is complete.
Ready to join? Contact us today!